and the question is…..who is number one and Sizzling?

and the question is…..who is number one and Sizzling?

February 24, 2022

They might be in division two for basketball but Tile Hill Trojans are top of the pile in the Pub Quiz League following their latest triumph.

After a hard 90 minute session of on-court training at Hereward College six of the Trojans veterans migrated to their favourite pub – The Newlands to take part in the weekly quiz contest, and, for the second time in three weeks they came out on top claiming the prize of a £20 voucher to be spent at one of the Sizzling Pubs chain.

No questions here as to where this band of articulate responders will be disposing of their reward, for the team, in fact the Club have been using The Newlands as a post-match venue for  refreshment for some fifteen years or more, and the recent dearth of competitive matches has enabled them to get into their seats by nine o’clock, in time for the start of the well-supported contest.

There were some ten teams competing in the latest test of knowledge and the typical Trojanesque blend of age and experience, coupled with a vast knowledge of facts and figures in many subjects has seen Trojans come from being an “also-ran” to champions twice in a matter of weeks.

Tonight’s team featured the “Famous Five” from the previous win plus Club Chairman Andy Dickson who oversaw his charges race to 61 points –  eight clear of the nearest challengers, with several teams languishing back in the thirties.

So, the answer is – Trojans Basketball!!!!!